A woman from Dunfermline has spoken of her shock after an Apple voice-to-text service mistakenly inserted a reference to sex - and an apparent insult - into a message left by a garage.
~The is what Mrs Littlejohn saw on the voicemail screen in the Phone app on her iPhone after receiving a voicemail from the garage.~
This article is click bate written to hook on to the buzz / drama around Apple intelligence.
This feature is almost 20 years old. Visual Voicemail was one of the early “holy shit” features that the first iPhone launched with.
I’m sure the model has changed a lot in 2 decades, but weird voicemail transcriptions are not new. We’ve all experienced these for decades.
I was getting screwed up voicemail speech to text way before AI. 🤷
But now it can boil the oceans faster by a few dozen orders of magnitude!
It’s training that uses a tremendous amount of power.
Speech-to-text transcribing of voicemails is done on-device and uses basically zero energy.
Gods, we are so stupid.
The human species survived alongside countless others for tens of thousands of years. It has taken us roughly two or three generations to fuck it all up in the relentless pursuit of profit.
It’s basically only like six people who are actually to blame. I don’t see why the rest of us need to be tared by the same brush.
I’ve never trained an AI on anything. I don’t know how to, or care to.
We get to join the idiots, because even when some of us want to, we don’t seem to have the ability to stop them.
I love how it’s apparently worse because she’s a “grandmother”.
I find it weird that we feel a need to protect the elderly from obscenities. When it’s their depravity and rabid lust that brought the rest of us here.
I always think this is funny because it reminds me of my grandfather’s diary. It mostly consists of various girl’s names and their address, then every now and then “get haircut”.
Everyone knows that grandparents have never had sex and should be protected from such obscenity
It’s worse because she’s a Karen with no sense of humour
That [redacted] is so [redacted], what [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] wrong with people?
I love the jank message summaries
I got one the other day that summarized a message from my 75 year old mom as a conspiracy theory. I can’t imagine having the confidence to mark a clients message as a conspiracy theory even if it 100% was.
Here’s the summary:
Conspiracy theory about government agencies being privatized for profit.
Original text:
They would turned it into a private owned so they can profit from it. That’s why they changing all the government agencies and turn it into profitable businesses for them. See how all the big corporations are lined up with trump.
What is this world coming to, even Mom™ is being privatized
MomCorp was taken!
Jam a bastard in it, you crap!
That’s hilarious! I’m glad you and your Conspiracy Theorist Trademark Mom can get a laugh out of it!
And people wonder why I have no interest in getting a newer phone with an AI thing on it.
Visual Voicemail has been a thing for literal decades. The older ai models (before they were called such) were even more jank
I guess technically it’s still a theory even if it’s true
Yeah like I can’t say it’s not a conspiracy theory (that I agree with) but marking it is still very… bold?
Surely people see this for what it is, a censorship mechanism that relies on people’s laziness and preference for convenience for effectiveness.
Even if Apple Intelligence were good, why would anyone in their right mind allow a middleman to interfere with their ability to communicate with others?
At one point my dad got into the habit of sending me “interesting little facts” every morning via text. I think he had installed some interesting facts app and he was just forwarding them onto me.
The Apple summaries those were interesting. One of them got summarized as “there is a dead body in your house” and the interesting fact was " in England there are many lost graveyards, oftentimes during construction bodies will be uncovered and the police get called, only to find that it’s a medieval grave site".