Thankfully the place i work for is just a wannabe and has to weigh financial decisions like this and thankfully always gets denied. I always find it funny when this stuff is brought up because it takes a lot of distrust and bad decisions to think spending a small fortune to watch your employees is going to make them work harder and increase productivity. Like, even if that was somewhat true, which it isn’t for many reasons, you spent a ton of money on a system that will probably take away any increase in profits anyway. The only people who win here are the companies paid to install and setup the equipment.
It’s an illusion to think business decisions are always made based on economic considerations. This is about power and control, not about saving money.
Businesses aren’t rational…
And a fraction of the money could probably be used to pay for raises that would actually make employees happy…
HIGHER WAGES IS inflation 🤡
No, higher wages is boosted demand! 🤡
It’s about power. At my last employer, they were making so much fucking money that they knowingly lost money on paying for these surveillance systems. They just enjoy the feeling of having total and complete control over our lives.
Violation of human rights.
Oh, wait, maybe they mean USA…
The latest, deluxe end point of these time and attendance tchotchkes and apps is something like Austin-headquartered HID’s OmniKey platform. Designed for factories, hospitals, universities and offices, this is essentially an all-encompassing RFID log-in and security system for employees, via smart cards, smartphone wallets, and wearables.
how do they prevent spoofing of those rfid keys?
To oversimplify, they use the same type of encryption as you might see on a chip-enabled credit card.
Cloning the card isn’t enough, you’d also have to clone a specialized key-signing chip to correctly respond to authentication requests.
Quite interesting, if I may say so…
No idea, I just quoted the article since I hate those clickbait headlines.
Bosses want to take advantage of workers.
Maybe this is one of those autism things again but I’m really annoyed by this headline format and I wish articles would stop using it.
I don’t have a boss, nor an office job. Stop assuming that everyone does.
Seems like the title is immediately gaining the attention of its target audience. It doesn’t apply to you, so you can just move on.
so you can just move on
Oh, you’re highly underestimating my capability to get stuck in the little things
People tend to highly underestimate the people they do not know, over estimate how unique their personal experience is, and demand external variables be tailored to their personal tastes.
No boss or office job? I’m totally reporting you to HR for that. 😆
I have gotten really fucking tired of:
Blah blah blah. HERES WHY…
I hate how English overuses personal pronouns.
“Know your ABCs?”
Nyet. I refuse to take ownership of the modern Latin alphabet, which is used by billions of English speakers worldwide and with minor variations by over a hundred more languages. An ordering of its letters is a common good by and for the public domain. Its entire point is being standard so it would lose all value if there was “ABCs” of mine, yours or any other single person rather than “the ABCs”.
Incredible, everything in the office is watched, heat sensor, O2 sensor, enter/exit, vending machine etc.
Basically you can be fired because you go to the bathroom too often or go to the coffee machine too many time, or use too much O2 ?
It’s weird everything gets placed under “free will” to let go of someone or firing someone. So that means reporting can be anything obnoxious while the main reason for it is “free will” but we fired them or bc of x, y, and or z!