They got nothing to show and are on back foot… Crying for tariffs and state aid lol
They got nothing to show and are on back foot… Crying for tariffs and state aid lol
Catholic Church cover is useless without Catholic churches communities enabling it.
Boomers pretend this shit never happened so now I view all Catholic as the trash that they are.
They don’t care, so fuck them.
Just another parasite leeching folks…
can’t hold the dead accountable but we can cut social security from these sex pests ;)
also limp dick excuse to justify their behavior… catholic church has always raped children… why are you crying now 🤡
What’s your point here?
Yeah similar to cathlic clergy… Just no will power and the house won’t enforce the rules.
The society boomers made for us 🤡
We really got a lot of ceo drama recently. Are these parasites turning on each to where it is going public?
How much taxpayer money went to tesla?
How much state aid overall does germany and US provide to their mega corps…
unlike our parasites, chinese industry was able to deliver results.
there is a lesson in there, you are making execute for sorry losers…
tesla tubby stopped allowing them to spread CSAM on there?
oddly specific…
while US and German automakers sitting in the corner with dick in their hand blaming their fails for their shiti EVs not selling…
Chinese developed a domestic market so good these corpo parasite now wants tariffs to block imports.
Between automakers, boeing and intel… like bro… some heads gonna need to roll, we lost out competitive advantages so some limp dick boomer “owners” can live their best lives.
Especially the part about being informed of decisions too late, with bullshit reasoning.
standard practice in corpos too tho
just parasites using institutions for personal circle jerks
That’s what the fake news chose to tell you, read between the lines…
maybe true… could be red herring.
I knew of three instances where professors had affairs with their students, divorced their spouses, married said students, and repeated the process over again a few years later.
text book academia… not just engineering.
profs using classes as stable of free pussy. admins did not do shit.
The school is in cover up mode, likely delete all communication on matter as we speak.
Did not he get ganged up on by a bunch indian proffs, so could be racial anonymous angle that school failed to address.
Remember folks, corpo is your enemy!
Deny them profit every chance you get and media is an easiest one!
Normal ones don’t end with dead wagies tho…
But yeah academia is toxic as fuck. So much sexual harassment etc makes corporate world seems decent, there you just get fucked in non sexual way.
Office Politics taken to 100%
Critical thinking has been spotted, your corporate komissar has been notified!
Anyone who thinks beyond first order operations should understamd why mega orgs would do this.
Parasites want to extract value and they will destroy anyone who might stop the gravy train.