Hope this video is helpful to people. And yes. There was a noticeable Genesis bias in this video. What of it?I certainly don't know everything there is to kn...
Depends on what you’re looking for. Phantasy Star 4 is an excellent JRPG. Crusader of Centy/Soleil, Landstalker and Beyond Oasis are good Zelda-ish games. Gunstar Heroes and Contra Hard Corps are excellent run’n gun games.
Comix Zone is a cult classic and hard as fuck. Kid Chameleon is also worth trying, though do so with lots of patience. For beat’em up, Streets of Rage
An interesting side note: a lot of the games that are on the SNES and on the Mega Drive/Genesis are different mainly due to Nintendo contracts: “You won’t release the same game on competing platforms”. This led to several similar but different games, especially from Konami
PS: Also check out dreamcast games, it has the best version of Soul Reaver and Dead or Alive 2.
PPS: Shadowrun on the Genesis is VASTLY superior to the SNES game.
SNES all the way, but there were definitely some gems on SEGA and NES that held up over time.
I’ve always preferred genesis overall, but that’s what’s great about emulation, we can have all the great systems and entire room sets on an SD card
I’ve done plenty of SNES and NES emulation, haven’t done much on SEGA yet. Any suggestions for SEGA games that are worth trying?
Depends on what you’re looking for. Phantasy Star 4 is an excellent JRPG. Crusader of Centy/Soleil, Landstalker and Beyond Oasis are good Zelda-ish games. Gunstar Heroes and Contra Hard Corps are excellent run’n gun games.
Comix Zone is a cult classic and hard as fuck. Kid Chameleon is also worth trying, though do so with lots of patience. For beat’em up, Streets of Rage
An interesting side note: a lot of the games that are on the SNES and on the Mega Drive/Genesis are different mainly due to Nintendo contracts: “You won’t release the same game on competing platforms”. This led to several similar but different games, especially from Konami
PS: Also check out dreamcast games, it has the best version of Soul Reaver and Dead or Alive 2.
PPS: Shadowrun on the Genesis is VASTLY superior to the SNES game.
That is a good starting list, thank you. I will check those out.
I agree with the guy who said Gunstar Heros and Contra. Also for a crazy weird sidescroller with humor and good music try Earthworm Jim.