At this point how does it differ w/ generating AI powered CP? morons
At this point how does it differ w/ generating AI powered CP? morons
Cant wait for walmart exclusive methadone
Cloudfare means no click from me (TBH after I clicked)
I’d want an robotic tentacle
Snort me like one of your French girls
I havent snorted myself yet
There are demonstrations (or of ATLAS I forgot) that shows them keep straight after hard kicks and such. Wont work
Then why do I exist
He said Mastodon is way better, I have an example wjy
Make a paywall and see your support drop. Their fuck up for fucking up their html tags
You took it seriously? Man where is the banter in this world
Can I ride your horse 👉 👈
My uncles cousins sister works at starbucks, which is pretty much 50% of starlink and she heared it so…
Federation is one, it really helps but the problems that come with the type of media persist but more controllable
Where are the tankie posts now?
For the Americans unaware of the reference:
OpenRA is nice though
Afaik, if it works the same as SD, it just tells the OS/device nicely to not write. Not very secure.
I believe there are small microSD adapters that ensure read only so ymmv
If it knows if an image looks like it it can generate something like it, one step further