My ringtone was a funky chiptune version of O Green World by Gorillaz.

    7 months ago

    ⛅️ To all of Joe Biden’s Supporters, please do not click away from this important message. 🇺🇸

    President Biden is humbly asking you to donate $20 or whatever you can afford directly to his reelection campaign for President today.

    As you read this, our campaign is getting absolutely pummeled with attacks online and in crucial states by Trump and other MAGA Republican groups.

    If everyone getting this text donated just $20 to Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, we would have the resources he needs to respond without asking for another donation for weeks.

    Unfortunately, not everyone gives. A lot of folks look away, waiting for others to act.

    That’s why we are hoping people like you who know the stakes in this election will contribute directly to his campaign today.

    Our average online donation is around $40. Some give more, some give less. All that matters is that you are chipping in today to stand with President Biden.

    Here’s the link to give:

    Team Joe
