I demand you post this in Ten Forward immediately!
I demand you post this in Ten Forward immediately!
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.
Have you never actually failed one of those image captchas before? Really?
Yes yes, and 2+2=4 and you hate Big Brother. Now hold still while we put this rat cage on your head.
Thankfully, the credit union I use has not implemented that so far. Just 2-factor authentication.
After 2, I say “fuck it” and find a different option.
Decades since 1969 and not a single one of the thousands of people who would have had to be involved to make this hoax happen has talked. The Soviets also either never caught wind of it or decided not to embarrass their biggest rival who they were constantly trying to embarrass.
This is the best-kept and worst-kept secret at the exact same time. Do you really buy that?
Just curious, was the anti-governmental assassination of the archduke the governmental disinformation effort or was the very open explanation for it and the Black Hand’s admission of their involvement the governmental disinformation effort?
My god! They fooled us all by faking the moon landing with an actual moon landing!
So any criticism of the U.S. is racism?
That’s not a solar system, it’s a galaxy.
This is no different from calling critics of Israel antisemites even though plenty of us Jews do it too.
There are a huge number of Chinese people not living in China who are very open about their contempt for Xi’s regime.
Over the Garden Wall
Most of the time anyway…
We were in the middle of a cold war with the soviets back in the 1960s. Proving the moon landing was fake would have been the propaganda coup of the century for them. What possible reason would they have to stay quiet about that?
That’s always been my number one reason why the moon landing was definitely not faked. The Soviets never caught wind of it between 1969 and 1992? Come on.
I’m sorry the lack of existence of Y dwarf stars makes you angry, but they still don’t exist.
I meant the ‘none’ part, but that too. So… two thirds of the way there? Three quarters? Not sure how to do the math on that.
My dad was a film historian, so we had HBO, Cinemax and Showtime in case anything came on that he needed to tape to show to a class.
This was quite helpful to teenage me in the era before internet porn.