• XeroxCool@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Let’s say that whole idea is true: her dad bought her entire first contract and a warehouse of CDs to get her first album up to [checks notes] 19 in the charts.

    Then what? So what? Genuinely curious what a generous startup payment has to do with her future success? How does that differ from parents saving money for their kids college tuition so they can go on to a successful career after? She certainly had a privileges growing up in an upper-middle class with a complete, supporting family that relocated to the heart of her original music’s location, but how does that take away from the juggernaut of a career after that? Do you belittle great doctors if their parents funded medical school instead of fearing the debt and never starting? Do you think of an engineer any lesser if they drove 10 hours and dormed at MIT for their schooling instead of sticking with the local community college? This just comes across as being jealous her parents had some money and that she has proven to have talent. It’s not like she invested $1bil of daddy’s money to make it into $10mil by never turning profit and only keeping 10m by not paying any of the contractors.

    I don’t even like her music. I don’t care for country and none of her pop follows the melody tones I like except one, single song. I just don’t get what people try to say when they bring up her dad giving her startup money as a teenager. What, that it gave her a leg up? Nobody just gets lucky

    • edric@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Do you realize how many talented artists are out there that never see the light of day of success just because they do not have the capital, connections, or luck to break through? I don’t think most people are saying she doesn’t have any talent at all. What people are saying is she owes her initial success to the money and connections her dad has. And it’s not even the common stroke of luck that other successful artists get. She was even way ahead. And having that initial success can make or break an artist’s career. Talent can then carry you moving forward.

      Nobody is saying she’s a hack who was only successful because of daddy’s money. They’re saying she got a very good headstart and hit the ground running. It’s primarily directed at people who claim she got there on talent alone. It’s like saying Bezos or Musk built their empire from scratch, while forgetting they had the benefit of having huge initial capital from their parents.

      Btw, getting to #19 on mainstream charts is not trivial.

      • JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
        7 months ago

        That’s true of literally everything though.

        Absolutely nobody is 100% self-made. There is always some level of luck…whether it’s being born to the right family or being in the right places at the right times (and only then even having the option of making the right decisions), and whether your a billionaire or upper-middle class.

        The problem is, most people in UMC and higher completely forget about any element of luck that come with their success. Some might attribute a small amount to it, and some may be fully aware of it, but most shrug it off and attribute all of their successes to their own actions and abilities.

        Even artists who put in a shit ton of blood sweat and tears and came from humble beginnings. Look at Beyonce. Working class parents saved up and put her in Montessori school, and her career started when her dance instructor happened to catch her humming the end of a tune with perfect pitch.

        Gotta be thousands of highly talented girls from working class families that enroll in a private school (most lower-grade private day school families I’d known are solid middle-class). But only one became Beyoncé.

    • Death to America@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      I’m not American and don’t give a shit about American pop music. All of it is the product of nepotism and I hope that it all gets deleted. Death to America.

        • Death to America@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          Sir, It is a meme community and I do not give a shit about your impassioned and long ass defense of nepotism. What I don’t care about is your thoughts that you sent to me unprompted. I also never wrote that I don’t care about anything so not sure why you put that in quotes as if that is a direct quote of mine. I don’t give a shit about American pop music, this is a direct quote and this is why I made a joke about Daddy buying her success. Death to America.