Based off a post I made on Reddit a while back. Hope y’all enjoy.

Edit: Since people are mentioning it - the stat buffs do not matter. I was being silly when I threw those in. But yes, the scale is 0-100.

    10 months ago

    The penny is OP. Flip a coin, get a heads, buy the most expensive lottery ticket at the gas station. Wait 2 weeks, repeat. Infinite money glitch

    10 months ago

    The coin, because I can flip every two weeks to attempt total world domination, and it has a pretty high chance of succeeding somehow. Or just more mundane things like flipping to win the jackpot.

    The slick talker glasses are also pretty overpowered, you can achieve much the same as with the penny if you can just give a quick speech and everyone in the room either tries to fuck you or be you five minutes later.

    But my heart is with the quick sleeper mask, I’m never really rested after waking up and also procrastinate going to bed all the time. Getting a full rest in one hour sounds like the dream

    10 months ago

    Ok, the mask if you are actually rested and not just “feeling rested”. Being hit with the physical effects of sleep deprivation and having organs start failing after a couple weeks would be a real problem.

    Otherwise, that damn penny. Knowing that I have 12 hours of “I win” without any real limitation, even if it ends up being 12 hrs/month, would be obscenely broken. None of the other artifacts even come close. I make sure I always flip on a Monday at about 8am, if it’s heads, I apply for jobs I want and trade some stocks until about 1 pm, then go for a walk and see what goodness I can fall into for my life. Head home around 6pm with 2 hours of perfect luck left which I spend working on the cure for Autoimmune diseases and Cancer. Once I have enough wealth built up and have found plenty of cures to Salk the hell our of to piss off the pharma companies, I start working on Nuclear Fusion. Continue this pattern until I get bored.

      10 months ago

      I agree, with one huge exception. Why the hell are you wasting your lucky coin applying for jobs?

      Also, sure, do some trades once to get some starter money. But that’s a waste of your precious 12 hours a month. As is going for walks. You can be on vacation the other 98% of the time; spend every second of your penny time doing as much good as you can.

      Cure diseases, solve nuclear fusion, end wars and violence, build infrastructure. There seems to be no limit the way it’s worded. Hell, build the Enterprise from Star Trek (or a better space ship) and spend your non-penny time exploring the galaxy.

      Do physical laws even apply? Can you build replicators for everyone? How about a mansion in a tardis for every person on the planet?

      For how long do you have to try something to succeed at it? Maybe you can do each of these things in just a couple seconds. If that’s the case, maybe penny time will quickly become non-valuable if you run out of ideas.

        10 months ago
        • I specifically stated that “I apply to jobs I want”. Your statement indicates that you consider all work to be a waste of time. I personally want a job developing AI tools that work for the betterment of humanity. I wouldn’t need it to pay well as the investments I make on penny time would be my income. Also, it is one of those things that take too long to do in 12 hours, and having a team to work with helps a ton too.
        • The trades aren’t taking 12 hours. If you had the golden touch, and intended on making trades that had long-term viability with 100% success, then an hour or two a month would be all you needed. This also makes sure that the growth is slow enough that the SEC doesn’t get alerted.
        • I didn’t say I was going to take a walk to take a walk. I said I was walking around for a few hours to see what good fortune I could find. Again, if I have 100% successful luck, then everything I do is charmed. Walking “aimlessly” around most towns while under such an effect greatly increases the opportunities to happen across something that is beneficial.
        • The limitation is that you mentioned at the end, the 12 hours every 2 weeks. There is only so much that can be done in that span of time. Everything I mentioned was specifically designed to expand the knock-on effects of the good luck into the rest of the time that I don’t have it. A stock portfolio with guaranteed long-term growth, research breakthroughs which need to be built upon by experimentation and work, meeting the right people and forming the right relationships in my community, a long-term employment that provides me the challenges and long-term results in the world. The biggest challenge is to make sure that you have a good life that makes a difference while you have your normal luck, not concentrating on short term success.
        10 months ago

        I actually wonder if the coin interacts with an int stat. What if it’s more nuanced than you’ll attempt to create a replicator by doing x and you will successfully find out that it’s impossible to do it in the way you intended.

        I’m thinking like “I’m going to make a replicator in my garage” then getting stuck since you don’t know how to make the attempt. If you would know how then you’d be successful of course.

          10 months ago

          I have always had the power fantasy of the superpower of “I can manipulate anything I can understand. The better, more nuanced, and more correct my understanding, the more fine and powerful my control.”

          It is essentially an int stat demipotence. Obviously, I would never achieve omnipotence or omniscience, but it would be cool to just rewrite the laws of physics because I understand how they work normally.

          Also, I know better than to ever touch the Hubble constant or vacuum energy state. It would be fun to do extremely local manipulation of the gravitational constant or maybe some of the Riemann curvature constants to adjust the local shape of spacetime.

            10 months ago

            If you send us all hurtling into the sun, I swear to god…

            Just, uh, be careful with gravity lol

        10 months ago

        Again, not all jobs are about money. I want something meaningful to occupy my non-lucky time. All being rich means for me is that I don’t have go suffer while I pursue it. It also affords me more time to focus on what I want to focus on and lead a much lower-stress life. I’m not looking to enrich someone with the job, but I would like to enrich the world.

    10 months ago

    The mask, the penny, and (depending on how hand-wavey you get) the glasses, are on a different power level than the other two.

    7 extra hours of life per day, at full rest?

    On demand money(gambling), or better(anything else, like applying at a school), though unreliably, once a month?

    Auto-navigate to your desired outcome when other people are involved?

    Yeah, life-breaking shit

      10 months ago

      Nope. The mask only works for one hour. It takes 30 seconds to fall asleep. So you can never get the hour it takes to be fully rested.

        10 months ago

        Nope. The writing is deterministic. "The wearer 1. falls asleep (time amount) after wearing, AND 2. awakens (time amount) later, feeling fully rested.

        One doesn’t depend on the other. It’s just what the mask does, step by step.

        I only worry if it makes it impossible to wake up at all…