So…this one is a bit left-of-field.
A friend of mine (Gardiner Bryant of YouTube - who reports on Linux and the Steam Deck) has started a Revolt server.
What is Revolt?
It’s kinda like a FOSS alternative to Discord. You’ll see the layout is almost a direct copy, and it’s far less polished…but then again you haven’t got the downsides of Discord’s constant upselling either:
Why is this relevant?
…I can hear you ask? Well, so far its just a few developers and creators in there, but I thought of all spaces…maybe those very devs and creators whose work you use and watch…well it might be nice to join in there?
My personal friends who are in here so far are:
imLinguin whose GitHub is here - but you may know most as a developer of Heroic Games Launcher
Eben Bruyns whose GitHub is here - but you may know best as the dev of Junk-Store
Gardiner himself, of course whose YouTube link is here,
What is the damn link to the damn server, woman?
I mean, you will have to make an account on Revolt, but it might be interesting to some here. You’re all very welcome! <3
Does it have noise supression features like Discord?
I was looking into it, but to self-host with Docker you also need to run like 5 other containers or something ridiculous like that. I’ll stick to conduwuit (Matrix) for now.
Edit: The example compose file for revoltchat/sefhosted creates 13 containers all using separate images. That’s truly insane.
Oof. I’m already put off when I see a compose file that has more than like 3 containers, but that one really takes the cake. Two message brokers, two proxys, three webservers, two daemons and another handful of other containers? That’s, indeed, truly insane.
Just because it’s now easy to deploy giant stacks of server software doesn’t mean you should.
I really want revolt to succeed due to Discords horrendous gate keeping and privacy issues.
I convinced a few friends to use Revolt but it’s in a bit of a feature lull. You can’t ring folks when you make a call, our calls often dropped without any indication (and required reopening to fix), and the input/output constantly had issues with selection. This doesn’t include a myriad of other smaller bugs I encountered. These were all the same bugs and UX issues I encountered in 2023 when I tried it then.
Gonna keep an eye on it and keep using it but I’m hoping with Discords enshittification more devs will be able to contribute.
I have joined 6 revolt communities and every single one of them became a graveyard within a week. I would love to see this one buck the trend I’m seeing but I’m curious what your plans are and how active yall are currently.
Please understand I’m not skeptical of you and your community. I’ve just seen a lot of dead ends on revolt unfortunately.
I’ve seen the same.
And I can’t claim any ownership of this, this is purely Gardiner’s server! I just…happen to know a lot of the devs and creators in the space, and I’m slowly inviting them in because - well I guess a place like this, more focused and small where we can chat about what we love: developing for Linux, and gaming on Linux might be a nice thing!
I’d just encourage you to make a throwaway account (if you’re so inclined!) and ask in the server yourself! No one can answer better than Gardiner can :)
This is literally like…idk 2 hours old at this point. No ‘big’ posts have been made, just me prodding the odd folk (like here) to join in and see if they like it :)
No worries hope I didnt sound too “challenging” or anything! I’ll come pop in soon then :)
Why not just use Matrix?
because it’s not a discord alternative
Are they not both VoIP/Im clients?
Or is it only a viable alternative if they recreate the UI because god forbid it look different?
it lacks some of the few good features that discord actually has like seeing who’s in a voice chat before popping in and soundboards in voice chat.
from what I remember they use Jitsi calls. I love that Jitsi exists as an alternative to Zoom but compared to Discord it is indeed a subpar experience. when calling with friends over VPN it is an unusable option due to the lag. this might admittedly be due to us using a free instance I found over a commercial option like Discord has
Why not?
no push to talk.
Ah, looks like they only published their apk on Play Store. So a no for me on downloading.
Web app is good but there’s also clerotri which is an android client for revolt on GitHub and accrescent
I only access it via their website!