trekkies in their 40s for some reason. Pc technical, can use a pc well enough to understand above the basic concepts of the best buy laptop the general public use.
I feel attacked, yet also acknowledged.
Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!
trekkies in their 40s for some reason. Pc technical, can use a pc well enough to understand above the basic concepts of the best buy laptop the general public use.
I feel attacked, yet also acknowledged.
If social media companies exist to collect massive troves of personal info from users–and they do–then there is a valid national security concern over social media controlled by an adversary. This is distinct from the individual privacy concerns towards domestically-controlled social media.
How is babby formed?
The TOS doesn’t say anything about crimes like murder, and of course you can’t waive that anyway.
What it does say is that any disputes arising out of the use of their website are subject to arbitration. If the plaintiff is correct and Disney is liable because they posted the menu on their website, then that would be a dispute arising out of the use of their website.
The plaintiff doesn’t say that Disney owns it, though. They are basing their argument on the fact that Disney posted the restaurant’s menu on their website. The website is also under the Disney+ TOS. So, if the plaintiff is correct and Disney is liable then the TOS probably applies.
Lisa needs braces!
This timepiece is of your forefathers.
I’m not upgrading because I don’t trust Windows 11. Not that 10 has my confidence, of course, but 11 seems worse.
The value of the DNS is that we all use the same one. You can declare independence, but you’d lose out on that value.
Fuck social media, why doesn’t everyone have a geocities page with a webring that links to their angelfire page and guestbooks and ICQ and stumbleupon KIDS NEED TO STOP HAVING A DIFFERENT INTERNET EXPERIENCE THAN I GREW UP WITH!”
This, but unironicly!
I haven’t been having any major problems except for occasional framerate stuttering, but then I don’t use that many mods.
My only real complaint is that there’s really no new story content, it’s just a couple of new locations (Enclave checkpoints like FO3) some new armor and weapon types, and a handful of quests that are pretty much radiant quests with a coat of Enclave paint. Considering the download was like 10GB I was expecting more. If Google is telling me the truth, that’s bigger than all the other DLC combined.
Not exactly the same problem. In the same way that gun control doesn’t address the problem of hostile foreign militaries. Yes, both involve guns, but the laws and policies that address one are inapplicable and inappropriate to the other.
The law in question addresses the problem of foreign adversaries having easy access to manipulate US public opinion. The law you suggest addresses the problem of advertisers having that access. Both are serious concerns, both need to be addressed, but they are not the same problem and the solutions are markedly different.
require every company operating within the US to show users exactly what data is collected and allow them to delete any or all of it as desired
That would be a very different kind of law from the one we’re talking about.
That’s a separate issue that could not be addressed with this kind of law anyway.
Can you explain why you feel that would even be necessary?
“Here come the test results: ‘You are a horrible person’. That’s what it says, ‘a horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that!”