I blame them. Fair use is a thing and even beside fair use fuck em. copyright are getting more and more stupid by the day.
I blame them. Fair use is a thing and even beside fair use fuck em. copyright are getting more and more stupid by the day.
Lmao generalise that attitude and trust me you throw away half of the papers out there.
I wonder how these people sleep at night… Fighting over scraps for a book with such significance. Shameful. There’s no other words.
What’s that on the news today ? Life getting shittier for the lower class ? Hmm what a delight.
Sadly the studio had a lot of people leaving from what i gathered, tango studio may not be the same as before microsoft betrayal… But it’s a good thing for the artists tho !
They’re fun especially with friends
Anti piracy making lower class life more miserable and worsening the health of culture 💯💯💯
You’re fighting the good fight ! Please do torrent !
Can’t wait to play highly competitive game (moon buggy) in 700hz on my gaming rig (amstrad)
Yes yes yes ! Keepers of knowledge!
You’re doing great man, please keep it up i’m not even joking. Maybe someday you’ll be the one guy that still has that old gem everybody lost.
Well everything is dandy fine then ? It’s no problem if someone does anything without consent as long as you can “easily” do something about it heh ?
5mbps is high in my book, i used to download 1080p stuff and games on an adsl network and trust me I WISHED that shit could reach 5mbps ! Most of my pirate life i’d have miraculous spikes at 1mbps and i still always went for 1080p stuff or if I can’t find it in that quality 720. To me when i watch something i want to enjoy it to the fullest so i don’t even bother with lower quality, i don’t have 4k hardware so i don’t bother with that.
(I’ve enjoyed fiber connection for a year or two and i always get surprised by the speed of it lmao)
This could be a very formative memory even if he get disinterested from computers, getting this kind of perspective on things can go a long way !
That means the cost will drop ! Right ? Right…?
Lies !! The bug obviously launched that asteroid ! You’re a traitor spreading lies it’s all that i see !
Ah yes now that you made a fool of yourself you start acting like one to play it cool. You really out did yourself on the personal development today didn’t you ? :)
No. Just. No. One is just a complex logic gate with a bunch of if, the other is a generative ia. Those are two VERY different things. It’s like comparing a rc car with a cargo baot, they are simply nothing alike.
It’s actually pronounced like the word Hue more or less (slightly shorter,the first half) it’s pronouced as such " hue - bee - soft "and the you sound is very much present in our language, for exemple baillou or caillou.
There’s ton of supplement on the original game for europe, moscou there’s so many possibilities, the cyberpunk world is very interesting even outside of nightcity, i embrace that take as an OG cp2020 game master.