So, there’s a mission that straight up isn’t beatable as far as I can tell. Even on Story Mode.

You have to prevent stolen Clan Mechs from fleeing so they aren’t captured by whoever.

Only hitch is, if you pursue them directly and down them you’ll get absolutely shredded by their escorts. And if you pause pursuit to deal with the escorts they 100% will get away and you’ll fail the mission.

Also the controls are crap. And performance is iffy on Series S.

    5 months ago

    Name one time an inner sphere lance stood against a Clan star in a fair fight and won.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Wolcott did just this and turned the tide. The Battle of Tukayyid in particular?

    And yeah the rest of your post is good… I guess I’m still just kinda confused why Piranha doesn’t really use the canon narrative to drive their stories. It raises the stakes in each game, which is great for player engagement.

    • Captain
      5 months ago

      Wolcott comes the closest as the Kuritans did actually answer the batchall and bid the fight, they played by the clan’s rules. They also presented the Genyosha as green troops instead of the elite force they were, and they dug traps, hid explosives and hung strips of metal from the trees in the swamp they were to fight in. I see it as reaching a similar place that the Lyrans did at Twycross, both took significant planning ahead to take advantage of prevailing conditions that reduced some of the clans’ technical advantages, both involved setting traps, and both still resulted in a lengthy and brutal knock down drag out fight.

      As for Tukayyid, the clans lost at Tukayyid through a failure of doctrine. With the exception of the Wolves, the clans thought they were fighting a trial of possession. Comstar thought they were fighting a siege. Comstar was right.