For many of us of a particular vintage, the internet blossomed in the ’90s with the invention of the Web and just a few years of development. Back then, we had the convenience of expression o…
And the CSS for the http site is literally from ctrl-c’s main page with a few values tweaked, as i didn’t like fullblack on background, and I edited the widths a bit. I think.
Next issue releases in April. We switched to quarterly because, to be honest, there was editor burnout trying to scrape for content each month and the zine ended up being like… three articles. VERY underwhelming.
Nice gopher site! I recently(?)made one as well. Its kinda fun and easy to do. That CSS is awesome!
Gemini actually.
And the CSS for the http site is literally from ctrl-c’s main page with a few values tweaked, as i didn’t like fullblack on background, and I edited the widths a bit. I think.
Woops I always get those mixed up in my head. Which is silly.
I need to find time and look at all the amazing zines that are out there. ctrl-zine looks fun.
Next issue releases in April. We switched to quarterly because, to be honest, there was editor burnout trying to scrape for content each month and the zine ended up being like… three articles. VERY underwhelming.
I can see that!