Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’s most northern state, is starting its switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice, and is planning to move from Windows to Linux on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions.

Concerns over data security are also front and center in the Minister-President’s statement, especially data that may make its way to other countries. Back in 2021, when the transition plans were first being drawn up, the hardware requirements for Windows 11 were also mentioned as a reason to move away from Microsoft.

Saunders noted that “the reasons for switching to Linux and LibreOffice are different today. Back when LiMux started, it was mostly seen as a way to save money. Now the focus is far more on data protection, privacy and security. Consider that the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) recently found that the European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 breaches data protection law for EU institutions and bodies.”

    7 months ago

    I think it is fine if everything they used to do have a replacement, my wife has been using my laptop running silverblue for personal laptop, doing homework and everything, until she want to use affinity photos or forced to use docx.

    That being said, docx is invented specifically sabotage of open document standard and cross compatibility, but I installed onlyoffice for her, and everything is fine now. And if she spent as much time in GIMP and dark table, she should be as happy as in affinity photo, since she doesn’t use that many features anyway.

    Same happened with her father in law, he was trying to do some business work, I give him the silverblue laptop, and opened only office. He can work just as normal, after I told him how to use the super key in gnome.

    Most office worker, and students only uses very limited functionality of some software, if all of which has a decently intuitive replacement, I think they will be happy.