Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022

  • To be fair. I get where they’re coming from. Some people simply don’t want to take the time to learn the Linux command line nor learn how to utilize the tool, balena etcher.

    That said, if one says “Is there a way to simply install a Linux OS”, I usually assume said person has at least a passing familiarity with burning an ISO as that is the bare minimum knowledge for starting the Linux installation process.

    Hence my assumption that they were familiar with said tools when they asked the question.

  • I meant a workstation OS. Or any Linux OS that’s not locked to a corporate account and probably filled with spyware.

    Yes, though I have not tried to utilize this:


    I don’t even understand the first sentence of these instructions. “Mount the device” followed by a bunch of seemingly random letters and characters. Mount it on what? What do I do with these?

    These instructions require a very basic understanding of the Linux command line and file system. As does installing a Linux OS without a GUI helper.

  • Damn…this looks really good actually. I’m sad to day I never heard of cohost until now. But I’ll admit I just identify with the founder’s sentiments around the tech industry, and their strict adherence to moral values around how a platform like that should interact with their users. I wish their developers all the best in looking for new work.

  • Damn…this looks really good actually. I’m sad to day I never heard of cohost until now. But I’ll admit I just identify with the founder’s sentiments around the tech industry, and their strict adherence to moral values around how a platform like that should interact with their users. I wish their developers all the best in looking for new work.

  • This. Google is pushing MV3 to single out and neuter the more robust and customizable ad blockers, like uBO. They’re trying to appease their advertising investors by force feeding ads to you and they’re plugging the leaks/workarounds savvy developers have created to block them.

    If Firefox ever gets popular enough, what do you wanna bet money bags Google, their primary monetary contributor, will put a condition on the next round of funding that they stop support for MV2?

    Stay small and crazy customizable Firefox.

  • Honestly, reddit’s search engine is okay, but yeah it doesn’t get as exact as standard search engines because I think it prioritizes keywords from the post title over comments and also prioritizes most recent posts over subject relevance. That said, the old reddit posts are still going to be accessible via standard not google search engines.

    I’ll admit this is somewhat of a bandaid fix, as should reddit keep this deal with google going, eventually this workaround will prove less effective than it currently is.

    This workaround just gets you the newest posts related to your query, and otherwise, for older posts, the search term reddit in search engines is still superior. So I don’t know, it’s the best solution I can think of for now.