Trace Route. The *NIX equivalent command is traceroute, Windows shortened it to tracert.
Trace Route. The *NIX equivalent command is traceroute, Windows shortened it to tracert.
Yeah, Tesla is certainly not the first ones to have this design or issues with it:
Any chance you are using a Thunderbolt device such as a network adapter or external drives? I had the issue on a NUC 10 where it would randomly drop the TB devices every few weeks and occasionally appear to be frozen. The latest firmware update finally took care of it.
The headline is misleading. Roku didn’t get hacked and leak accounts. There were ~15000 customers that had accounts accessed due to credential stuffing. Aka, they reused passwords on other sites that had leaks and hackers tried those credentials on their Roku accounts and got into them.
Get it cornered in trying to reconcile how the citizens of China keep their government accountable when information is censored to only favor the governments position, it will then give answers around some of the “sensitive” topics.