• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • remotelove@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlNazis
    8 days ago

    As far as my proof on link-boy is that his history kinda proves that he doesn’t research shit. His go-to method seems to be find-link-vomit-link. There is no fucking way he would have time to dig into that stuff based on volume alone. Is that “proof”? No. It’s a damn good assumption as I also could shit out a few dozen links after one Google search, too.

    If he does “do his research” and happens to have a list of links at the ready, that is just weird or it’s someone with a motive other than showing how smart they are.

    By definition, you are correct on some points, btw. Dissent is dissent. However, dissent with bad information is just poor form. Endlessly shitposting like OP does is hardly quality dissent: OP just pushes narratives with cartoons and it reads like a fucking state media source. You can find the same style of shit all over right-wing media sources as well: Repeat the same basic points ad-nauseum.

    As far as link-boy is concerned, I suppose he can dissent all over the place as much as he wants as well. It’s doesn’t change his history of link-flooding.

    Also, “despite increasingly popular opinion” is supposed to convince me of something based on the rumored opinions of what? Your own social bubble? Really?

  • remotelove@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlNazis
    8 days ago

    How the fuck you wrapped your last sentence in is beyond me, but anywho…

    Dissent is not spouting off Russian propaganda verbatim. You know, like quoting every single line vomited out by every Russian state media source. (OP)

    Dissent is also not searching for every internet based opinion piece with a flashy headline that aligns with a specific view. I could find a hundred more that align with my views, as an example. (re: link-boy in this thread.)

    We all should know that Russia invading Ukraine “because Nazis” is complete bullshit. If you didn’t notice Russian media and government officials repeating that justification is just that: repeating things enough so people begin to believe it. (That is easy with state controlled media, btw.)

    What we have is a failed case of seeing the forest through the trees and what Russian Putin’s goals have obviously been for years now: Rebuilding the USSR. (Nevermind that Crimea was not ethnic Russian until the local population just disappeared, somehow.)

    Dissent is actually showing, to the best of ones abilities, real cause for action. A person could actually read all of the source articles they post, compare figures and assemble something that might be worth something in an argument. This takes a fuck ton of work, actually. All sources need to be considered and not just select articles that are vomited out in these kinds of posts.

    What link-boy is doing is just flooding threads with data, regardless of it is correct or not. It’s not proving any points and likely just posted to flash out headlines, which people notoriously take at face value.

    Then we need to loop back to the “reputable sources” bit. Nearly anyone can submit articles to these places with little review because “content”. To properly use these articles, you have to dig. You need to understand the authors, the sources and the motivation. Again, link-boy is likely not doing this. If he is, it’s still shitty referencing.

    Above all else, this conflict has proven that Russia is a paper tiger, mainly by showing their wonder-weapons are crap. This is not actually about the tech itself: It’s shown how Russian government has overstated just about everything about their capabilities. Not only did the world start to believe their own propaganda, Russians drank their own cool aid and thought they could just roll Ukraine in a couple of days, with or without western interference.

    We don’t need shit-memes or walls of old links to show how Russia has manipulated the narrative over the last few years. All we need to do is watch how poorly they are performing on the battlefield against a country a tenth their size. We can watch Russian media and how they continue to posture and threaten with nukes. (That is a stupid play, and they know it.)

    What’s even funnier, is that Lukashenko actually dumped out a couple weeks ago that Ukraine was already “denazified”. Oops. If that is actually “true”, why hasn’t this “special military operation” been called off? Why is Russia at a full wartime economy now for what is likely illegal to call a “war”?

    Fucking grow up, is my point. You want to get all script-flippy about “sPeAkiG diSsEnT” when the people “dissenting” don’t know what the actual fuck they are posting with.

  • remotelove@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlNazis
    9 days ago

    It wouldn’t be ml without a copy-pasta wall of links.

    The trick is to bog other users down who actually source and back-reference all those articles so that it will freeze up a comment thread.

  • What my familiarity is with one ideology or another is irrelevant to this thread.

    But yeah, ml/c/usa is a great example of mostly anti-west mass posting by a vocal minority. We could get into specific subjects and events that may or may not be true, but that risks detailing the point of this thread. (This may have changed over the last few months, but I doubt it.)

    For generic cut-n-paste responses, all you usually need to do is mention anything about Ukraine or Chinese gost cities. Those are just two glaring examples, but I am sure there are more.

    Your experience is going to be different because you likely have different views than me. That’s not good or bad, it just is what it is.

    No, I am not a fan of .world either. It’s got its own set of issues.

  • I have and blocked nearly all of it. They have fuck-all to do with Marxism or Communism and mainly focus on Kremlin and CCP anti-west propaganda.

    It’s worse than the “conservative” communities, actually. It’s not so much about promoting a cause as it is about telling everyone else how they are “bad”. Any dissent is usually met with insults or walls of cut-n-paste posts that all point back to state media sources or fake sites.

    While all places have their own degrees of circle-jerk mentality, it can be especially bad in some corners of Lemmy.

  • (thinks out lound…)

    If you could force different speeds and different voltages, you can make some guesses as to what the cable might support.

    USB packets use CRC checks, so a bad checksum may indicate a speed or physical problem. (Besides stating the obvious, my point is that doing strict checks for each USB mode gives CRC more value.)

    I just looked over the source code for libusb (like I knew what I was looking for, or something) and it seems that some of the driver(?) components hook really deep into the kernel. There might be a way to test specific parts of any type of handshake (for dataflow or voltage negotiation) to isolate specific wires that are bad by the process of elimination.

    I think my point is that a top-down approach is likely possible, but it’s probabilistic.

  • The proper metric to plan around is longevity, unless you absolutely need performance now.

    Performance and cost should be divided by time. Do you think that bit of hardware will be able to support software for the next two years, or five? That is one way to “compute” value, anyway.

    A 4090 will eventually be outdated and unable to run new software, but that may not happen for a good number of years. If you want to get super deep, start crunching the numbers on power costs too. It may simply become too inefficient to run, eventually. (Hell, it’s probably super inefficient now, actually.)

    I almost always buy top-tier “last-gen” tech, right after “new-gen” is released when I am saving money. When I have the extra cash and it makes sense, top-tier may also be a good investment.

    Be honest with yourself and determine what matters most to you and put your money there.