This isn’t even true were I live. Investors will buy new appartments and leave them empty and sell them a few years later. Renting them would decrease the value more than the income is. It’s worse than you thought.
Guess he doesn’t call himself racist or sexist either
And yet he refuses to do so
This is true for a very not obvious reason:
People who ignore the sign are disobedient and therefore suspicious. That’s why they send all available drones to that person to intimidate them.
c/birdsarentreal #ifitfliesitspies #birdwatchinggoesbothways
The TV does. TV watching goes both ways
Why would you watch yourself instead of your mother’s series?
What helped me as a kid is imagine to write. That’s my left hand and than I know which is which without thinking too consciously (in case you’re right handed, it’s the other way around obviously).
But interesting that you know absolute directions easily. That’s a cultural thing actually. I think Australian Aborigines will say things like “my western foot hurts” because it’s more intuitive for them that way.
If I learned anything in geography class than that west is on the left
I could ask my parents but I’m afraid it was a German collection of short stories
Why are you asking?
Oh, I remember that effect when a tetris game I programmed made some sounds I didn’t program into it. I assumed it had to do with poorly shielded cables
No, the bullet will stop them
If 275 is half of 550, then what is half of 275?
Checkmate atheist
When people don’t learn roman numerals at school anymore…
It’s 10, plain and simple
Because the more you look for reasons, the realize there is none and that’s depressing
Because people who always ask “why” don’t achieve anything. Did you get nothing out of the story above?
I’m reading an 1818 novel and it uses “gay” for happy and also the noun “gaiety” which I love and want to bring back