Depends on whom you’re asking, but lots of christians consider it a sin outside of marriage. Super healthy message to give young kids /s
Follow me on TikTok and YouTube for Missouri political coverage @mokc913
Depends on whom you’re asking, but lots of christians consider it a sin outside of marriage. Super healthy message to give young kids /s
On some models yeah. I’ve had cars that didn’t
I’m pretty sure I have some deficiencies, but I’m lucky I got to learn pretty young on a farm. I’m torn between wanting to advocate kids have access to like go kart tracks at school vs funding more public transit and walkable communities, as someone else said. Both would be dope tho
Welcome to life, where occasionally you deal with things you don’t want to. I do hope you never experience a similar situation, but if you do, I hope it is handled with compassion.
Fourth panel was definitely me, and I’m comfy. Get you some electrolytes, though! Happy new year
There’s a small city in the Kansas City, Missouri metro (Raytown) that lobbied to keep it legal in restaurants and bars. I just looked it up, and apparently it’s fine to smoke weed as of 2023, too
You could maybe read it as the cop having implicit knowledge and mourning the loss before he takes action. Like “I sure will miss ya”
Super dark, got a sharp, uncomfortable laugh/gasp outta me
I’ve slept since I watched and am not great with tech, but iirc the link with the affiliate code when clicked takes you to the site. Then honey has a pop up that, when clicked, replaces the link with their own, swiping the commission. Hope that makes sense - most people likely would not catch it. The Linus tech tips was used as an example of even a tech channel with lots of employees taking quite a while to notice themselves, and even when they did, it wasn’t quite conclusive for some reason?
Another thing the video touched on is that honey would claim to search for coupons but often opt to show what the partnered companies want. So, could be there’s a coupon for 50% but they only show 10%.
I’ll add that two people can experience the same trauma but only one develop PTSD. I started a lecture series on trauma a while back that started off explaining that if you find yourself starting to have symptoms, try to catch yourself and remind yourself that you’re in a learning environment. That’s just one method, and it can be difficult to maintain without further education and training
So how many images would need to be generated at once to take down a city 👀
If the follow up to you saying you’re done is them demanding to keep going, that is coercive and fucked up. I wouldn’t suggest lying in response unless you never plan to see them again, though, or if you feel safe and plan to address it later. It’s just as fucked up to keep up with the lie afterwards as it is to be coercive, imo. Both play coercive, indirect ways of refusing respect, and the tit-for-tat dynamic risks setting up a breeding grounds of resentment for at least the person maintaining a lie. It also denies the coercive person the opportunity for growth.
Are they arguing it wasn’t random though? I mean Shakespeare had to think through the plot and everything, not just scribble nonsense on a page
I remember thinking she had dropped it on accident and felt bad for her when I first saw it as a kid. She made a little “oh!” with a look of what I thought was surprise
Lmfao I had to start using the covers for litter boxes since one of mine does this. I feel bad, like I know it’s not great for them to feel confined but…I am not letting that continue
There’s a Netflix doc titled something like “the staircase” where a guy got tried for murder because his wife fell down some stairs. Regulations are written in blood, as they say
Good example for why journaling can be useful:)
Weird, I guess he claims ghostwriters only assisted him with making outlines, but unless he had Steven King level of cocaine addiction idk how he was able to churn out that much so quickly. I haven’t read any of them since I was a kid, though. The dummy episodes gave me horrific nightmares.
Gotcha, I hear you. I didn’t mean that seeing the wall without context is normal to have a terror response to, either, but I think we’re in agreement otherwise. Tear down the walls by repairing the wall :P
Wait what the bloody fuck? I haven’t heard anything about this. Sounds right up their alley, but what evidence is it based on?