I was confused until I read the music. 😏
Ok, now this is just showing off. Patch cables all the exact required length and everything all nice and neat. I bet you check your backups regularly and do a monthly DR fail over test too.
…Kidding aside, your setup looks really good.
Insurance Companies: “Climate related disasters are acts of God.”
Also Insurance Companies: “Welp, time for us to GTFO of places where ‘acts of God’ seem to be occuring with increasing frequency.”
Film Studios:
“We’ll recycle the same theme’s and franchises over and over until they’re completely worn out AND we’ll paywall the shit out of our media so everyone has to have 27 subscriptions to watch anything remotely interesting. Oh, and you’re going to like it because we said so.”
Also Film Studios:
“Wait, where are you going!? Why aren’t you giving us money??? Come back! You can’t not subscribe!”
If you’re a dude and you’ve never tried a prostate massage, you don’t know what you’re missing. Feels a little weird at first but then it feels really good.
God: Go tell Joseph I did it.
Gabriel: Yeah… It was God.
Joseph: Oh… Uh… Well Ok then.
Gabriel: And you’re gonna be cool about it.
Joseph: Yep. I’m cool. It’s all good. We’re cool.
To be fair, Windows has huge, maybe even unreasonable, demands placed on it for backward compatibility due to corps not wanting to dump their 30 year old legacy software. And to Microsoft’s credit, they actually manage to do that pretty well while maintaining a reasonably stable OS. Most of the time, anyway.
The increasing interest in using Windows as a conduit for ads and data collection is what they really chafes me and is the primary reason I’m slowly moving away from Windows.
I had to sign up for a business account because of Cox’s data cap. Sadly they’re my only option and they suck ass.
Horsepower is a very rough “average” of work output over a given period of time. It doesn’t really account for spikes in load. For that we’ll have have to consider the torque. So the real question is, how many foot/pounds or newton/meters does OP need to handle 10 gigs of throughput?
I think Jon Stewart would make a great president. I also think he would probably be miserable and I would hate to do that to him.
Kind of feels like our “crossing the Rubicon” moment. Except instead of an intellgent and accomplished general leading an army, we got a clown leading a circus.
I have an idea! Let’s put the guy whose policies partly contributed to our current economic state back in charge of everything. He’ll definitely fix it this time.
Oh, no. They will be hurt the same as everyone else but The Donald will just tell them that it’s the Democrats/immigrants/gay people’s/critical race theory’s fault and they will believe him because having someone else to blame for their problems is a lot easier than fixing their problems.
The Book of Mormon is a wild ride.
I once worked for a big corporation that makes hydraulic rescue tools, where management somehow failed to grasp that the chief selling point of these tools is that they do the job reliably every time. No firefighter wants to be trying to get someone out of a car like, “Damnit! The cutter is acting up again. We should probably look into that.”
But the executives kept demanding that we add “features” to the tools that effectively compromised the reliability and then got all surprised Pikachu face when it was explained to them that the customers thought the tools were overpriced half-assed garbage.
I guess my point is I’ve seen plenty of incredibly stupid examples of management ignoring the engineers and yet somehow Musk demanding that radar be scrapped in favor of cameras is right at the top of the list. Especially if you want your customers to live long enough to buy your products more than once.
“I think your little dog looks tasty. It’s literally the only reason I’m here right now.”
What about double barreled shotguns? Those are each going to require two fingers. I’m beginning to think the creators of this petition haven’t really thought this through.
It’s called an elephant gun because it’s for shooting elephants. Not because it’s the size of an elephant. There is no way a horses hoof or an elephants trunk will fit in the barrel of a gun thats less than an inch a single freedom unit in diameter.
But you know what will? A finger. You’re just going to want to shove it in their really good because those cartridges pack a punch.
The same people giving you a weird look when you say “Merry Christmas” to them on December 26th (the second day of Christmas).