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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Funnily enough, in my town there used to be a Future Shop, and then a Best Buy sprung up in the new commercial district, but apparently couldn’t compete because it closed 2 years later. Then about a year later Best Buy bought Future Shop and they re-branded the existing Future Shop to Best Buy.

  • Owner of 2 pinecils here, there are buttons and a display that shows the current temperature and other stuff. I only just learned that there’s an app, it works more than fine on its own, out of the box.

    I got that specific iron because I needed to power it from 12v, and it works very well on the USB PD power supply I already have for my laptop.

  • Yeah, there’s some stuff on the side, but get a can of chef boyardee, a sealed packet of crackers and a pop tart, and that’s pretty much it. Add some Qwik and Gatorade powder for hydration, maybe. At 250$ per 12-pack it’s more expensive than eating out.

    I’m involved with the Canadian cadet program, and these are the exact ones we eat when we go on expédition, they’re nothing fancy. They are convenient, though.

  • Canadian here. It really depends on if it’s a cultural use or something the government might have an influence on through legislation. They can force industries to label packages in metric, but they can’t force grandma to change her manually-transcribed recipes. The other big influence is obviously our neighbours to the south. A lot of industries haven’t switched over there, and we get their products. Main culprit here would be the construction industry, lumber and hardware is all in US customary units and I hate it.

  • I fail to see how that’s relevant here. The guy isn’t a US national and wasn’t in the US when he committed his alleged “crime”.

    He has absolutely no duty towards the US and is 100% free to associate with whoever he wants, and yes, even Russia.

    US has no standing whatsoever in this situation, and it’s a travesty of international law that Sweden and the UK even entertained the idea of extraditing him. The response should’ve been “go sue the American who actually committed that crime on American soil. Oh wait, you’ve already convicted her, and she’s already out after serving her sentence? WTF are you going on about then?”

  • It’s true that you can easily fall into analysis paralysis when you start learning JS, but honestly things have somewhat stabilized in recent years. 10 years ago everybody was switching frameworks every 6 months, but these days we’re going on 8+ years of absolute React dominance. So I guess that’s it for the view layer.

    The data layer has seen some movement in more recent years with Flux then GraphQL / Relay, but I think most people have settled on either Apollo or react-query now (depending on your backend).

    On the backend there was basically only express.js, and I think it’s still the king if you only want to write a backend.

    Static websites came back in fashion with Jekyll and Github Pages so Gatsby solved that problem in js-land for a while, but nowadays Next also fulfills that niche, along with the more fullstack-oriented apps.

    Svelte, Vue, Aurelia and Mithril are mostly niche frameworks. They have a dedicated, vocal fanbase (see the Svelte guy as sibling to your comment) but most of the industry has settled along the lines I’ve mentioned.