MacOS is Unix like, but that’s because the kernel (Darwin) descends from BSD.
MacOS is Unix like, but that’s because the kernel (Darwin) descends from BSD.
You can give it a try now if you’re interested, you should get decent enough gaming performance, though you obviously aren’t going to double your fps or anything.
For browsers, you can use binary packages because compiling either firefox or chrome every time there’s an update would be an absolute pain.
Then if you use a desktop environment, that’s usually the biggest thing when there’s an update.
And to be clear - you recompile the packages that are updated, or for which you’ve changed USE flags (if you add that as a flag in your emerge
command). You don’t recompile the entire system every time. Unless you specify that.
I ran it for gaming for 2 years, only stopped because I switched from KDE Plasma to Gnome and broke something, tried to switch back and broke something further. It MIGHT also be that I tried to switch from X to Wayland at the same time instead of doing one thing at a time.
It’s one of the categories of humor. You can also be funny by timing, reference earlier works or common knowledge, etc. Best jokes combine multiple things. In this case, exaggeration and reference to common knowledge (DiCaprio likes em young)
How many jackets anyway? I’m going to need someone to do some quick maths for me.
Phoebe, you ARE unappreciated in your time!
Where are they giving babies heroin?
It’s content lifted from other social media
They do which is why I wouldn’t recommend it.
Off the top of my head:
OpenSuSE, Gentoo, Arch, Debian, Mandrake, Damn Small Linux, Puppy Linux, Backtrack Linux, Slackware, CentOS
Some of these have changed names or stopped being supported, unfortunately.
You can be making money anytime nowadays if you’ve got a driver’s license. Not that I’d recommend it though.
Wouldn’t be powerful enough actually. You’re better off having a battery that’s in good condition. I’ve done nearly 100 km with the alternator belt off. It being a diesel, it didn’t need to fire sparks though.
That’s also quite valid. And the walk to the corner store is pretty much a break to slow down and just… Think. Personally I value those breaks fairly highly too.
The tesla would have to be going a lot slower and you’d need to get really close before slamming the brakes. Better off accelerating real hard with a Tesla behind you instead, or maybe just not endangering people. Unless it’s a cybertruck in particular.
Will they be deleting the user complaints after copying them to the empty void? Or is user-complaints a stream that dd consumes, rather than a normal directory or file?
I’ve turned into a fairly materialistic person after starting a family, which kinda goes against this list, but I promise I have a point.
I’ve now started valuing my time in money, quite explicitly. Let’s say an hour of my time is worth roughly 50 euros. I can make more money by doing more work, I’m not limited to 40 hours a week when feeling productive, nor am I required to fulfill 40 hours a week when I have a bad case of executive dysfunction. So any time I’m out running errands, it technically IS costing me this much money.
If I have the option to spend X hours doing something, I’m going to ask myself if it’s worth it being X * 50 euros poorer for this. Spending time with friends or family? Absolutely worth it. Going on a walk to clear my mind? Still worth it. Drive around a bunch of drunk people for money? Nope, because nobody is going to be paying me enough to make it worth my while and it’s not an activity I enjoy doing very often.
I’ll make a similar calculation for spending money to gain more free time. If I’m working on my car and something is going to take me 10 hours, but my shade-tree mechanic 3 hours @ 35 euros an hour on his lift… Yeah, I’m going to pay him and hang around while he’s doing it. I just bought 7 hours of free time (so 350 euros) for 105 euros.
That does NOT mean that when I make the calculation that I’m going to always actually use the saved time for work right away. I might just hang around at home, take the baby for a spin in the stroller, listen to podcast I enjoy… Hell, maybe I’ll take a long ass bath. This is just a way to get myself thinking “hey, my time is worth too much to be doing this”, because in the past I rarely said “No” to anyone who wanted me to do anything, and also I’d spend lots of time on anything that could save me a minuscule amount of money.
Honestly that’s probably just the data it’s been trained on, rather than explicit instructions to censor the incident.
Makes sense that a Chinese AI would be trained on more Chinese sources than a western AI.
They’re a pretty sweet deal used nowadays in Europe and it seems like the ones made in the 2020s have decent build quality finally
I’m somewhat scared that someone would trash it. I’m also somewhat worried that if Russia ever invades Estonia, Musk will disable all Teslas in the country for the lulz.
The same CPU on bare metal would give you decent performance on KDE. Virtualbox and a win11 host like you mentioned, are causing the issues here.
I don’t even need to install any new packages to get that
sudo zypper dup
992 packages to upgrade, 2 to downgrade, 18 new, 3 to remove.
Package download size: 1.81 GiB
Half the packages are LibQT6something or LibKF6 something lol
Yes - unlike any Linux distros I know of. But that’s fine, we don’t need Linux to be Unix certified for it to be awesome.