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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2024

  • The problem with religion is it primes people for believing things just based on a trusted authority saying so. There’s no evidence in support of the existence of any supernatural entities whatsoever, and there’s no evidence to support the existence of a life after death, but people believe it anyway and religion holds their “faith” to be a virtue in and of itself. You could argue that that isn’t harmful by itself, but consider that many religious people believe things that the evidence of their own eyes proves impossible, and that any idea is fair game when you treat faith as a virtue. It doesn’t matter if people today only believed the “good” parts of religion, eventually someone will corrupt their blind faith and convince them of whatever they want, like that being gay is a sin worthy of death, that trans people are evil and shouldn’t be allowed to exist, that your pastor is totally a great guy and you should donate money to the church and totally trust him alone with your kids. The dangers of religion are in teaching people to stop thinking for themselves.

  • I have to hard disagree with you there. The beauty of the math equations they test you with in school is completely artificially selected. The vast majority of math does not have nice neat solutions. There is a lot of it that doesn’t have any solution at all. The beauty of engineering is figuring out how much of things you actually need. You might calculate that some quantity should be an irrational number for some design optimum, but the amount of precision you actually need will be some range around that. When you do that and see your design in the real world actually functioning, that’s the greatest feeling in the world by far.

  • Way to enforce the tyranny of the morning people on yourself. Fuck getting up early. Night owl till I die. The thing people who push getting up early fail to realize is that if everyone was the same as them and got up at the ass crack of dawn, modern society as we know it would not function. There will always be shit that needs to get done at night, or even just the afternoon, and if everyone got up in the morning those things simply wouldn’t get done. Who maintains the power grid at night if everyone falls asleep at 8 pm, for example? Reclaim your natural circadian rhythm for yourself and for society. Ask those self-righteous cunts what they were doing at 10 pm if they have such superior work ethic.