But what the hell happened to the other knob? I’ve done a lot of stupid shit around the stove but I can’t imagine what could happen to it.
But what the hell happened to the other knob? I’ve done a lot of stupid shit around the stove but I can’t imagine what could happen to it.
I had to scroll way too far down to find this. The open world and vehicle customization were ahead of their time. Supposed to be a super upgraded fan mod for the PC port coming that makes it pretty for modern systems.
They probably are, but they decided to make it over in a new engine. Since they have to port the gameplay mechanics over anyways, why not release a remastered version of the original to help fund development of the next one.
The simple reality of the situation is it was a business decision by Sony. They saw this groundswell of potential players to add to their huge database of people to market to, and said “we’re getting those email addresses”. If I had to venture a guess, the higher-ups at Arrowhead are probably livid and pushed back. They get zero out of this change and they have to deal with the fallout. It’s likely part of the publishing agreement.
That said Sony knew this would happen, if probably not to this degree. Maybe they post a solemn jpeg talking about how they “fell short of expectations”. Being Sony it’s likely that they just ignore the backlash. Their projections say they’ll make more money with all that new data than they’ll lose on some half-hearted boycott. Gamers are notoriously horrid at sticking to that shit. And you know what? That next battle pass is gonna sell just fine even if the vocal folks don’t buy it.
Yes, it sucks and it’s reasonable to be annoyed. Yes, many loud people on the internet are acting like a helldiver kicked down their door and demanded a kidney. Yes, only one party gains from this and it’s Sony. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. No need for argument imo.
Lol imagine anyone having 50k