What’s with the boomer ellipsis? It’s so consistent among the older folks I see. I don’t understand why every sentence needs to be trailing off.
Good for gramps though! Power to him.
What’s with the boomer ellipsis? It’s so consistent among the older folks I see. I don’t understand why every sentence needs to be trailing off.
Good for gramps though! Power to him.
My biggest reason for not liking calls is that I often very much struggle to actually hear what’s being said. I’ll take talking in person over a call. Text mediums also have the benefit of being able to be referred back to. Great to double check something, or to cover your ass. I’ll take a paper trail any day of the week.
That said though, in my professional life I have encountered a surprisingly huge number of people who just cannot write clearly. It baffles me. Ultimately, to each their own, and I’ll try to meet people where they’re at. But I much prefer written formats.
Ah right on thanks for the info, I had no idea. My company is less than 10 people with single digit million revenue so it appears we’re not violating anything. I knew they had a paid service, but none of that seems unique to MacOS.
What’s this about Docker not being free on MacOS? I have it installed and use it for dev work and it didn’t cost anything.
I hate the knob. I can’t decide if that or the Nissan “orb of motion” as Garbage Time put it is my least favourite. I miss my manual car, but I’m on the electric train now, as computery as it gets.