Sometimes licenses get in the way, it’s possible they bought an engine or tech from a 3rd party and don’t have the legal standing (or don’t know if they do or not) to release the source.
Sometimes licenses get in the way, it’s possible they bought an engine or tech from a 3rd party and don’t have the legal standing (or don’t know if they do or not) to release the source.
Not all cd players had an accessible lens. A car deck had a slot insert and there was no way to get at the lens without disassembling the whole thing.
Computer CD players also had a tray that extended so the lens was mostly hidden.
Boomboxes and portable CD players had pop up lids where you could see the lens, but there were probably an equal number of players where you couldn’t access it.
Shift-A and Shift-I to append at the end or insert at the start.
Once you know the system, it’s much easier to do everything without having to take your hands off the keyboard to use a mouse.
Literally the only thing I code in at work. Have done so for decades.
Can’t stop, won’t stop.
Starship Troopers had the highest survival rate, so that one.
Absolutely not The Thing because you have no idea if escaping means the end of the world. You’d have to murder suicide the whole place.
Aliens… Maybe. It’s survivable, but just barely. You’d probably want to hold a live grenade with the pin pulled the whole time, so you’d at least never have to be brought back to the queen.
Fallout source is gone too. There was just no reliable way to store source code back then, a lot of times it was just one of the developers that had it sitting in a desk drawer.
If it’s new enough, maybe a burnt CD.