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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2024


  • I met someone with a “Man shall not lie with another man” tattoo.

    1. That verse is literally the previous chapter to the “don’t get tattoos” verse. Why did he think one was important enough to get tattooed while ignoring the other?

    2. He really chose to get that tattooed?!

    There was no way a conversation with this guy would go well, so I’m going to be stuck with these questions forever.

  • Tell that to Chelsea Manning.

    Sure, the US is mostly freer with information than a country that is unabashedly authoritarian. But ask Ron DeSantis what he was doing at Guantanamo, or the CIA what they did in Latin America. If you don’t think the US hides plenty from its citizens, you haven’t been paying attention.

    Our Tianimen Square was Kent State, or maybe the MOVE Bombing, or all of the documented police violence against protesters and marginalized people. Fat lot of good it does that we can talk about them when nothing changes.

    I think it makes more sense to hold our government to account than point out the flaws of people we don’t like.