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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I remember that one hangar! Oh nostalgia. You should try it again there’s a game there now.

    They haven’t been saying two years away every since since 2016. It’s a running joke that they say it every year, but it’s not actually happening. That one in 2016 made everyone facepalm, even employees. Chris Robert’s is pathalogically optimistic about a lot of things, lol. Even in the Star Citizen community, we make fun of that sort of thing. We paid for Star Citizen early access, we have Star Citizen early access. If we get Squadron 42 as well, great! If not, it’s not that big a deal. Disappointing, but the world will go on.

    I think they believe their times when we say them. The scope of things said after the 2 years thing in 2016 increased by quite a bit when their funding had another boom. They aren’t intentional lies so much as just being wrong an feature creep making dust of previous plans. But they have a lot more to show now than they did before, it is being made in good faith. It’s just had a slow start to build the studio from nothing and a lot of budget increases.

    It’s definitely got a Duke Nukem Forever type problem. We will see a finished game one day, but the development has seen a lot of design changes partway through. We’ll see if we end up with a mess, but we will end up with something, I believe. And again, if not, it’s still just a videogame. We’ll live.

  • Don’t listen anyone here, positive or negative. Try the next free fly and see for yourself. Too many feelings for an honest answer.

    But here’s my 2 cents anyway, ha ha: I enjoy it, they are pushing out regular massive updates that make it more and more fun every quarter. They grew a studio from 8 people to over 1000, which takes years to do, so complaints that they have taken 10 years of full scale development are incorrect. Some people don’t like the idea it may never be the full game they set out to make, which is fair, it’s possibly the most ambitious game to date. But it’s being made in good faith, reports of a scam are about as reliable as moon landing conspiracy theories for many of the same reasons. In the meantime, what they do have is already a lot of fun. You only need to spend $50 to get in, people spending more are doing so voluntarily and generally without regrets. They have more players and revenue every year than the year before, this wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t already a fun game for many.

    Gameplay is like a second life in space. It’s very spaceship centric, but there’s lots to do besides pilot. It’s slow paced, the design does prefer immersion over convenience a lot of the time.

    If you like big, slow (with moments of high intensity), immersive, cinematic games, or if you like sci fi it’s definitely worth a try. Lone wolf play is doable, but taking a role on a crew is more fun (at least for me).

  • Lol, one of us certainly has been lied to. Your last point is blatantly false, your first is based on your guess about how AAA game design works. Maybe it does take 3 years with a game this big, I don’t know. I’ll trust the many, many game devs who actually play the game and roll their eyes at comments like yours.

    I’ve actually played the game, bought it and have no regrets. Hundreds of hours, new friends, new experiences. You passively absorbed the groupthink. I don’t care if it ever finishes, I’ve gotten more than enough fun per dollar out this game already. Cry about it if you want, just do it quietly.

  • Oh but you don’t understand, this game is taking a long time to finish. That’s totally worth aaaaallll these circle jerk posts and vitriolic responses. It’s like ten holocausts wrapped in a 9/11. Also, some rich people voluntarily gave them money. That’s evil because reasons. Also, a not rich person spent all of their life savings on pretend space ships an regretted it. That’s the games fault though, also because reasons.

    Everyone has to know how much they hate Star Citizen. It’s vital to engage with every article and post about a game they don’t play or like because that’s how kind, normal, mature, not weird people act. They hate other games too and generally ignore them, but this one feels good to hate loudly and publicly beyond any other game, so it must be true. It’s not weird at all to bully people for having fun because the internet says their game is taking a long time.

    The fact that riling people up by spreading misinformation makes tabloids money is not relevant to the situation. The people playing the game are wrong about their own experiences. The internet can never be wrong, the hive mind is always correct.

  • So? A bunch a rich people voluntarily funding game development isn’t some moral failing, it means they don’t have to act like EA and Ubisoft to make a AAA game and I can get in for a good price. Attracting capitalist investors, as is traditional, is genuinely much worse. I paid $45 and have access to all the same content as the whales. I have hundreds of hours in game. If someone stupidly spends their life savings on pretend spaceships and regrets it, it’s not on Star Citizen.

    It’s not like everyone has been tricked for ten years, we know what we buy when we buy it.

  • I’m not, I’m calling them capitalist, investor run businesses, which they are. Inventing controversy is an ancient, reliable way to make money.

    I’m calling star citizen haters a bunch of gullible cynics. There’s an emotional element in people’s need to hate star citizen. I think they’ve just been burned so much, any time something cool is promised, they automatically assume the worst. If Star Citizen delivers, it would be very, very cool and the hate is proportional. I’m having a great time in Star Citizen with a whole bunch of people right now. Anything else is just noise, be it promises from the devs or internet articles or salty people who can’t just ignore this game if they don’t like it like an adult.

  • You sound like MAGAs discussing immigration under a Fox News post. Circle jerk of hate based on misinformation, but trying to talk reason to people who love to hate the thing they hate and don’t want to stop is not going to work. Keep on believing gaming journalists from disreputable tabloids who invent controversy for clicks. The engagement on Star Citizen hate posts is massive compared to others. Hating Star Citizen is directly more profitable for these sites. There is no oversight on truthfulness in gaming news.

    CitizenCon was this weekend. There has been an uptick in hit pieces posted this week. That isn’t a coincidence. You are being being primed to react negatively to the content that will be posted from it.

    No, it’s not an FPS. It’s 99% a space sim like Wing Commander with a few FPS parts. It is a full AAA game, maximum fidelity, 30-40 hour campaign. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You could actually watch the video you have so many opinions about, but oh that’s right, it’s a conspiracy if it’s good.

    I have hundreds of hours in Star Citizen and have enjoyed them all. That’s not very much compared to many, many others. They are growing in players and revenue for 10 years. That doesn’t happen to bad games. They release massive updates every quarter. They just bought a new campus in Manchester so they can hire more devs, on top of the existing thousand. It’s a genuinely fun game, right now, enjoyed by many. You don’t have to be one of them, but your tinfoil hat nonsense is just vitriolic skepticism from reading these tabloids, not critical thinking.

    We’re out there, flying around, having a great time wanting y’all to join our space shenanigans. Just try it the next free-fly with an open mind. Even if you tried it before, try it now, it is improving every quarter, it’s a different beast now than a few years ago.

  • I actually do appreciate the clarification then, thank you. But I’ll still suggest to the readers of this convo, articles like these aren’t written for the edification of its readers, it’s written to bait engagement. The speculations of gaming journalists on Star Citizen is as reliable as Fox News’ speculation on the Mexico/USA border.

    And as someonewho has been following following the numbers, it’s growing in revenue and daily active players every year. They just opened a massive new office in Manchester so they can hire more people. The people they do hire get paid well and stick around for years. If they were worried about cash flow, they have a lot of fat they would be trimming right now, but their expenses and revenue keep growing in step with eachother. They have no investors to pay, no vaults to fill. They make money and spend it growing the business. Those expenses represent 12 years of good wages and benefits for workers.

    Star citizens success is a threat to capitalist, investor focused gaming. Gaming news is run by game industry capitalists and has zero oversight or accountability for bring truthful.

  • That is $700 million is revenue for Star Citizen, not development costs. More and more players are joining by trying it and sticking around, and CIG is making more money every year because it’s genuinely a fun game now. If it wasn’t, they wouldn’t have $700 million in revenue from a growing base of paying customers after ten years. But that doesn’t get clicks from ignorant salty cynics. “IT BAD SCAM” is a more profitable headline than “fun game enjoyed by many”.

    When videogame “journalists” are drumming up controversy, you always have to take it with a grain of salt. Lord knows we have enough of it.

    I spent a grand total of $45 dollars on this game and I have had hundreds of hours of fun. Imagine buying a game for less than the cost of a new AAA game, playing it, enjoying it for dozens of hours or more for ten years, then someone who has never played it starts telling you how you have to spend thousands of dollars and actually didn’t have fun and it’s not a game, it’s a scam because you heard this one guy spent his life savings on imaginary space ships and regretted it. That’s how Star Citizen players feel; it’s very confusing.

  • It’s just using Bing Maps data, which is smart. Not everyone flies at 35,000 feet, low altitude flights look spectacular and are accurate in a way no stored world map could. The terrain is automatically generated from Bing data, not hand modeled. Every building is in the right spot, is the right height, and the exact right shape, and it costs me no storage. It’s an obvious evolution of the genre with all kinds of benefits. Like all airports on earth, even grass landing strips, that are visible in Bing Maps, exist in the game without having to be hand modeled or stored locally. It detects them automatically then plops down an in game runway, tarmac, and taxiways on top of the satellite imagery in the exact shape and size as the real thing. It’s really cool!