Brendan Eich is a bit of a twat. Not that Mitchell Baker is much better.
Brendan Eich is a bit of a twat. Not that Mitchell Baker is much better.
sudo echo "set completion-ignore-case on" >> /etc/inputrc
Note to everyone (like me) who didn’t immediately understand this was satire:
This is satire.
Used both. Dislike both. Now on i3.
Back in the day when a lot of things things were capped at 8 characters, my uncle used to work for a company where they had (first 7 letters of last name) + (first letter of first name).
At least until they hired a woman named Margaret Manspera. Luckily, [email protected] was spotted in advance, and she was given [email protected] instead.
weren’t dildos originally made of glass?