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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Which is the whole point. If they had 1 email, 1 PO, 1 documented proof of agreement, this would never be a fuckin court case. What is more likely, that X is risking liability for the $20M + legal costs in court trying to renege $20M down to $18M? All this suing company has to do, as I stated above, is show one acknowledgment and confirmation between the two parties and its an open and close case.

    There was a judge (I’m going off memory from hearing it on the radio a year or so ago) in Canada who held a farmer liable for responding to a text with a thumbs up to a contractor asking if he got the contract he sent the farmer. Farmer went into court with the defense he was acknowledging that he received the text but it wasn’t enough to convince beyond reasonable doubt there wasn’t an understanding between the two.

    If Twitter and Elon were trying to weasel out of paying this company, THEY WOULD BE SUING THEM for some made up breech of contract BS like they’re doing to advertisers.

  • Hahaha yeah otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to sue to recoup losses. It happens all the time in sales. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I have told new sales reps, I will not place anticipatory PO’s without payment confirmation or full compliance with not just the purchase order’s parameters for payment on large orders but also an email or otherwise documented acknowledgment of our sales order confirmation. Especially in any case where:

    1. The sales rep has a PO from customer but no payment confirmation/information OR

    2. If it’s an order over, let’s say $10,000 OR

    3. If it’s the first time customer is purchasing from us and they want to make a blanket order OR

    4. If they’re an international customer placing ANY orders over $500, or have seperate countries for billing and shipping address, or they’re shipping to a country on our “fuck shipping to these countries” list

    All those scenarios happen and happen often. Theyre not 100% of nepharious lost revenue cases but I’d say they make up 80-90% of the shit companies have sitting on a warehouse top shelf. Only getting moved to make room for other stuff.

    Any business doing fabrications or custom fuckin anything, also will 100% of the time have a signed drawing or print, payment in full before it’s released to production floor, usually a +/- 5% runoff or shorting stipulation for any qty over 1,000-3,000 custom anything, and constant communication through out the entire process.

    For this exact very real very common shit storm.

    So and so’s cnc machine broke down we can only make 1,000 of the 10,000 you ordered.

    It was a government contract to redo the electrical work at Governor Cuomo’s house, how should I know he was going to be removed from office?

    Everything this lawsuit outlines, fuckkn screams new business, 1st large contract. All the need is one email, one purchase order, fuck even just a sales order from Twitter and they wouldn’t ever make it close to a court house before the Twitter boardmembers looked at the liability, the legal costs and the very slim liklihood they would come out better than if they paid the $20 million. And anyone who argues that $20 Million is enough to try and skip out on and risk letting it go to court has no fucking idea to the quantifiable difference between $20 million and $8-$20 Billion (what im guessing Twitter is still worth assuming it was about $40B when Elon bought and estimates have it between 50% and 80% the value when it sold. Even at the middle $14B, $20M is only 0.14285714% of $14B. No that’s not a mistake the decimal is where it should be lol. Check it by multiplying $14B*0.0014285714

  • I’m thinking op isn’t the brightest tool on the short bus. Walmart has a far better market place/e-commerce platform than shitass Amazon. Same delivery windows of 1-3 says. Can order groceries that aren’t fuckin wierd marketplace seller with a garage packed with dented pallets of Nutella, wild rice and 5hr energy drinks lol. The groceries actually come from the store or the next nearest one. They basically already had the warehouse infrastructure. The dumped billions with a fuckin B last year just on developing and expanding on drone deliveries. Plus when your order gets fucked up from Walmart… YOU TALK TO A FUCKIN PERSON WHO ISNT HALF WAY ACCROSS THE PLANET WITH 3 PRELOADED REPLIES TO FIX EVERY PROBLEM. Fuuuuuuuuuck Amazon customer service. But also unless op was looking for the holy grail of printers I will bet my annual salary that Walmart’s online store had the exact printer they were looking for or one that is an exact copy but another brand. So dramatic to write this whole post up for such a dumb reason lol.

    Edit: Also no person or brand selling on Amazon is exclusively selling on Amazon. If the printer wasn’t available anywhere it’s prolly a discontinued model or a fuck up by the mfg. Such a dumb post.

  • I’d rather have that than have moderators bringing their shitty reddit leftover mentalities and think they can throw tantrums anytime someone critiques their post title. I mean homie was a moderator, who quit the site entirely as his reaction to the same interaction you are criticizing homie here for his reaction after bringing up a relevant commentary about the individual from the post.

    Edit: Plus!, how often does anyone on the internet ever actually follow up a real live relevant to the post anecdotal account AAAAAAND follow up with empirical evidence lol.

  • Oh my god don’t ask me that. It’s so embarrassing. I built this pc as my 2nd build ever. I got into computers super late in life so learned with the first then just as I was finishing rhe zen 5 cpus came out and 4090’s so I went right into build 2 right whe they came out. I wasn’t patient. I didn’t understand a fucking lick about how resolution, frame rate, or refresh rate or even what the difference between a monitor and TV were. So I have 2 reasonably priced Samsung 27" 4k monitors with standard 60hz… but wait there’s more. Then I saw this waaaay too good to be true deal that I was waaaaah to ignorant and impulsive to know was not what I wanted so I bout the 32" fuckin quad HD 165hz curved screen sceptre on Amazon. Soooooooo dumb. Sooooooooo useless. Every fuckin monitor I bought was bought with specs that are usess for it’s purpose or missing the only spec I thought I was building a pc for.

    Anyway I totally think I know where you are going with this tho cuz yes the screens were causing tons of issues for me but I was able to get all three running together at their native resolutions and refresh rates. The high clocks and temps from the monitors were more causing me to have to reinstall my nvidia drivers with fresh installs and wasn’t ever an idling issue. They were crashes from running out of their ranges and me trying to muscle them into proper scaling sizes so their orientation wasn’t all fucky going screen to screen

  • Win 11 Enterprise AND Adobe Creative Suite?!?!

    Are you fuckin Austin Powersing me right now?! You ponied up to the table, see me cheat my way out of an all but certain bust cuz I like to live dangerously ^careless ^and ^wreckless

    The whole internet sees you showing your fucking 5 of Adobe and Win Expensive Edition

    We ALL know you have at most 16GBs** of RAM in your hand to run Adobe, CoPilot and bloatware with a dash of OS so your home desktop remote corporate data miner can allow for security breaches to make it look like they aren’t the ones stealing your everything.

    Then as we all wait for your hit, YOU FUCKING STAY. With out even flinching. You’re just like yeah I know windows and Adobe will profit off of every button I click but it’s only at the expense of every functional purpose for owning a computer.

    As the spanish say, Tooooooshea senior, Toooooooshea. You must run your workshops with the tightest butthole to keep any data from leaking. I salute you🫡

    Footnotes: **cuz of the 5 from the A.P. clip, get it lol most you’d have face down is an ace so best hand he could have is 16. The amount of GB almost everyone had before you needed $8k pc’s to play minesweep. Lol Thought that witty little turn of logic but was too subtly brilliant to let it go over my head when I reread this stoned someday looking for a different comment

  • Swear to fucking god the same will happen for GPUs in the next 6-12 months.

    EVERYWHERE I looked researching why my RTX 4090 was idling with maxed out mem clock @ 10000MHz not dropping a bit. All the forums, articles and Nvidia themselves gave super standard troubleshooting suggestions before just saying yeah those gpu’s fuckin run spicy.

    I underclocked, un-installed, reinstalled, ran it in other PC’s, white washed my drivers, updated bios, flashed bios, pretty sure i biosed my bios, even used recommended windows retarded power throttling setting… fuckin nothing.

    Finally during one of my “Fuck Microsoft” tantrums I started belligerently stripping every fucking Windows 11 service, software and apps that would let me. Full on preppared to nuke the whole fuckin PC, not just the OS.

    No fucking clue what did it or where it was all I know was it was somewhere in the control panel memory settings/disk optimization-ish/file history/virtual memory area or at least felt like it was from around that before I started aggressively clicking delete one at a time for my entire file history cuz ya know file history has had a bug lasting thru 2 generations of windows now that won’t let you batch delete old files history files. Either way fucker all of a sudden sounded slightly less fans at top seepdy sounding, checked to see if I was loosing it but sure as fuck it really was bringing the gpu back to normal.

    Its been humming like a champ ever since. Idles at 5001 runs at 10000 range with curve optimizer. Was able to re-set everything up on a clean install using a local microsoft account, deleted my actual microsoft account, haven’t updated a fucking thing, been running FOLON with 231 enabled mods on 195 plugins. OH and I forgot to mention how noone believ3d me at nvidia that the 4090 when initially bought was running just like this with no issues. Needless to say I’m in stage 2-1/2 of my migration to Linux. Idc if I’m dead wrong about this experience I will never go back to Windows for my erryday desidnated driver or use it more that the 3 pc games I usually play through any year. No internet single player screaming fallacies speech to text into copilot to ruin that cunt fucker and tell people I multi task while gaming.