• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Ah, the usual propaganda from the fucking content mafia and the lobbyists they bought:

    “The takedown of Fmovies is a testament to the power of collaboration in protecting the intellectual property rights of creators around the world,” Knapp says.

    “Strengthening intellectual property rights is an important element of the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership,” Knapper said

    I’ll happily repeat again and again and again:

    • If pirate sites offer a better user experience than your paid offerings, you don’t deserve payments at all
    • The money goes mostly to some rich fucks, fucking shareholders, lawyers and bought politicians and and not to the artists/creators of the movies (with some exceptions for the really big names)
    • I will very happily pay a service which is not shitty, not region locked, doesn’t annoy me with advertisement and is reasonably priced. The illegal sites are demonstrating that it is possible to sustain such an offer on advertisement alone. Don’t give me fucking bullshit that it is not possible for companies like Netflix while most of the subscription fees are going to shareholders and higher management instead into creating new content

    Seriously, fuck all the politicians and governments which act against the benefit of most of their population to conspire with the content mafia.

  • Good points, and I mostly agree with you, especially with feedback loops!

    Still, I never argued for waterfall. This is a false dichotomy which - again - comes from the agile BS crowd. The waterfall UML diagram upfront, model driven and other attempts of the 90s/early 20s were and are BS, which was obvious for most of us developers, even back then.

    Very obviously requirements can change because of various reasons, things sometimes have to be tried out etc. I keep my point, that there has to exist requirements and a plan first, so one can actually find meaningful feedback loops, incorporate feedback meaningfully and understand what needs to be adapted/changed and what ripple effects some changes will have.

    Call it an iterative process with a focus on understanding/learning. I refuse to call this in any way agile. :-P

  • … I cannot count the number of times at my different workplaces where we had an agile process, dailies and everything else of the agile BS for projects which where either trivial or not solvable. No worries, the managers, product owners and agile coaches made money and felt good, we developers went for greener pastures…

    Agile is a scam, nothing they do is based on any facts and when you challenge agile coaches / other people which profit it is always ‘I believe’ or ‘proven by anecdote’.

    Combine this with the low quality of people in the average software projects and you have a receipt for failure.

    Writing the requirements first at least forces people to think trough a project (even if only superficial), so I am not surprised the success rates for this projects goes up.

  • wolf@lemmy.ziptoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLeast Favorite IDE ngl
    7 months ago

    Eclipse has its share of problems (and outdated UI and workflows), still I’ll happily use it over IntelliJ w/o hesitation.

    Funnily enough, a lot of other (Java)Senior developers who tried both are fine with Eclipse, too.

    Besides the astroturfing from IDEA which is really annoying, Eclipse integrates far better with standard build tools and is our last descend Open Source IDE (Netbeans effectively being a zombie at this time).

    IDEA is already pushing/forcing their own solutions/build tools/etc. to up sell their shit, once Eclipse is gone, there will be no alternative and IDEA/IntelliJ will start the entshittifaction…

    People really forgot what a shit show were the 90s, paying lots of money for commercial IDEs.

  • wolf@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldBackdoors
    7 months ago

    Golangs web server is production grade and used in production. (Of course everyone uses some high performance proxy like NGINX for serving static pages, that’s another story.)

    Technically you are right that java has no production web server, which I don’t like, OTOH Java has standard APIs WebServers and Spring is the defacto standard for web applications. (I totally would not mind to move Spring into the OpenJDK.)

    My point is simple: Instead of having Rust edtion 2020, 2021 etc. and tweaking the syntax ad infinitum, I’d rather have a community which invests in a good/broad standard library and good tooling.

    The only platform widely used in production w/o a big standard library is Node.js/JavaScript, mostly for historical reasons and look at the problems that Node.js has for a decade now because of the missing standard library.

  • wolf@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldBackdoors
    7 months ago

    Easily, just look at the standard libraries of Java/Python and Golang! :-P

    To get one thing out of the way: Each standard library has dark corners with bad APIs and outdated modules. IMHO it is a tradeoff, and from my experience even a bad standard library works better than everyone reinvents their small module. If you want to compare it to human languages: Having no standard library is like agreeing on the English grammar, but everyone mostly makes up their own words, which makes communication challenging.

    My examples of missing items from the Rust standard library (correct me, if I am wrong, not a Rust user for many reasons):

    • Cross platform GUI library (see SWING/Tk)
    • Enough bits to create a server
    • Full set of data structures and algorithms
    • Full set of serialization format processing XML/JSON/YAML/CVS/INI files
    • HTTP(S) server for production with support for letsencrypt etc.

    Things I don’t know about if they are provided by a Rust standard library:

    • Go like communication channels
    • High level parallelism constructs (like Tokyo etc.)

    My point is, to provide good enough defaults in a standard library which everybody knows/are well documented and taught. If someone has special needs, they always can come up with a library. Further, if something in the standard library gets obsolete, it can easily be deprecated.

  • wolf@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldBackdoors
    7 months ago


    I do not get why people don’t learn from Node/NPM: If your language has no exhaustive standard library the community ends up reinventing the wheel and each real world program has hundreds of dependencies (or thousands).

    Instead of throwing new features at Rust the maintainers should focus on growing a trusted standard library and improve tooling, but that is less fun I assume.

  • Add to that, that every news is owned by someone, makes a minimum of 50% of its revenue from ads, and gets the rest of its revenue from paying customers from a class with expandable income who don’t want their worldview challenged or destroyed… It is really scary, how easy it is to manipulate public opinion by simple strategically choosing how facts are reported (pictures of humans vs. reporting numbers, wording, etc.), which facts are reported in the first way and where to position the information (top of page vs. footer). It is fun to call out Russia, instead calling out the ruling class, companies, the western governments etc. They all lie and they all try to control/direct public discourse.

  • Great write up, thank you very much!

    I expect Google to keep Mozilla/Firefox on the lifeline indefinitely to avoid antitrust issues in the states and EU, so Mozilla/Firefox won’t go anywhere.

    Still, this doesn’t mean anything, because I often need Chrome or Safari to access some websites.

    In the end it is quite funny: Moving a lot of stuff to the web made Linux a more realistic desktop option, at the same time to access a lot of stuff on the web one needs to run a Blink browser.

    IMHO the most annoying thing is, that we could have at least some laws, which mandate that every government service must be available to Open Source users and every government paid software must run on at least Linux. Thanks to lobbying and power this will never happen.

    Edit: To state it more clearly: Firefox is IMHO in bad shape and in a bad situation. Firefox won’t die, but at the same time right now I already need Chrome/Safari browsers, because Firefox support is broken on many sites. I see no way Firefox can gain significant market share, especially seeing what regular consumers tolerate from Microsoft/Edge and Google/Chrome.

  • Had an Eee PC and it was great for its time. It was a later version, I think a 100X with an Intel Atom and 2GB of RAM. I used different Linux distributions on it (could order it w/o operating system in my country) and was quite happy with it, although it was slow (but not painfully so).

    Funnily enough, a few months back I bought an HP Stream 11" in a sale, which I am using to type this right now. Depending on your use case, and your willingness to run Linux, I can really recommend the HP Stream 11". Initially I just bought it as a cheap travel option (in this role it performed absolutely perfectly), surprisingly I use it also at home for surfing/watching/emails every day, although for work I use a more powerful machine and a bigger display.

    What really is crazy for me, that nowadays a HP Stream 11" offers a much better user experience than an Eee PC back then, IMHO thanks to better browser optimizations and ZRAM on Linux.